Enabling our students to consciously
pilot their reality shift is our passion and mission statement. This
process being multi - layered, the first layer we approach would
include managing our attention.
Managing one's attention is crucial to the capacity of concentrating
and directing the energy and consciousness flow to a specific area /
reality plane / consciousness level.
Attention is the driving engine for the energy. We always reinforce
that what we feed with our attention. When we direct our attention to
any phenomena, we are giving our energy to these phenomena. This is how
it comes into existence in our reality. This is why all phenomena
desiring to share a reality are fighting for attention. Internal
Assigning a certain meaning and importance to any field of information
would be proportional to its degree of activization and hence its
presence in our shared reality. Those who are willing to explore this
concept further could refer to the chapter BELIEFS in order to play
around with belief systems and hence become more aware of how we
consciously choose the importance we assign to any phenomena and how
we can change it.
Life is exchange of energy and information. When we draw our attention
to a specific field of information, we are bringing to life the
program that it contains and that moves it through realities.
There are all kinds of information available, but they are all
irrelevant unless we draw our attention to them. Only then they get
Attention is the currency in which the reality choice is traded.
Combined with intention, we can consciously construct the setting for
the reality we prefer to experience.
We initiate our reality by drawing our attention and looking at
"Look where you want to go and hence do not look where you don't want
to go" is the mantra for the choice of the reality we prefer.
In order to develop the
instrument, managing attention focuses on the awareness of the
existence of the 7 levels of consciousness :
- Physical body. Survival Instinct. Awareness of space.
- Emotional body. Sexuality. Feeling.
- Mental body. Thoughts, beliefs, ideas, programs, ego.
- Astral body. Higher mind, energy fields, psychic ability.
- Etheric body. Love, compassion, service, the light body.
- Causal body. Cosmic consciousness, timelessness.
- The soul. The home level. Full abilities.