Quantum mechanics stands in
linear-logical contradiction to general relativity. The observation
that quantum mechanics does not yield a description of an objective
reality, is correct. Adding higher dimensions into the picture
provides the needed framework to explain reality as subjective-only.
What we are is vibrating consciousness, vibrating energy, we are a
resonance, a frequency, a pitch of energy. That is our unique
signature vibration and whatever we define that to be, will be the
experience that we allow ourselves to have, as a reflection back to
us. Physical reality doesn't exist outside of us, it exists inside of
us. Physical reality is just an illusion, just a reflection.
Consciousness creates a reflection of itself, and in a sense creates a
vesica piscis, and that intersection of the reflection and itself has
then a DIFFERENT DENSITY, and this is what we call energy. And
in the energy is the vibration, that is representative of the
intention of the consciousness reflecting on itself.
We define the three main levels of density forms such as ICE, WATER and STEAM that can serve as a permission slip in order to transcend the levels of consciousness and enable to manifest any reality we wish to.
All phenomena are the same one
phenomenon vibrating at different rates.
Just as water and steam and ice are all the same thing vibrating at
different frequencies, likewise, matter and energy are the same
substance vibrating at different frequencies.
Highest frequencies - STEAM - Consciousness
Medium frequencies - WATER - Spirit
Lower frequencies - ICE - Matter
Matter is solidified energy. Matter is Spirit energy vibrating at a
lower frequency. Our body is solidified, crystallized Spirit. Our
Spirit is not in our body, but our body is in our Spirit. As we raise
our vibrations, we become more Spirit-like, moving closer towards a
fluid-like Spirit, thereby making your reality creation more malleable
and easily changeable.
Starting from the first level of density that we define as ICE, the
exercises would concentrate on
exploring one's multi-dimensional state of being
- Physical body. Survival Instinct. Awareness of space.
- Emotional body. Sexuality. Feeling.
- Mental body. Thoughts, beliefs, ideas, programs, ego.
- Astral body. Higher mind, energy fields, psychic ability.
- Etheric body. Love, compassion, service, the light body.
- Causal body. Cosmic consciousness, timelessness.
- The soul. The home level. Full abilities.